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之前我也找翻譯社幫忙過!有做論文翻譯翻譯社是很多家沒錯!但可能還是要稍微挑一下!最好問一下是不是可以試譯!至少在投錢之前可以稍微知道一下翻譯的品質! 現在的翻譯很多!你隨便goole一下就可以找到好幾家!如: 柏克萊翻譯社、后冠翻譯社、艾思特科學翻譯社....。

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samanth05 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Textile and industrial fibers respond to the environment according to their chemical composition and microstructure. Since fibers are typically semi-crystalline, they are generally more stable to both chemical attack and temperature then are wholly amorphous linear polymers. Polymer fibers are very good; indeed, they are the material of choice in some applications, yet they perform poorly in other environment. For example, polyolefins are virtually inert to inorganic, making polyolefin fibers useful as battery separator; however, polyolefins, like most other polymers, do not resist degradation in ultraviolet light. Consequently, polyolefin tent fabric is stabilized so that it can tolerate long exposures to sunlight. We will probe into the cause of poor ultraviolet stability in polymers and discuss ways to stabilize fibers. 

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Textile and industrial fibers respond to the environment according to their chemical composition and microstructure. Since fibers are typically semi-crystalline, they are generally more stable to both chemical attack and temperature then are wholly amorphous linear polymers. Polymer fibers are very good; indeed, they are the material of choice in some applications, yet they perform poorly in other environment. For example, polyolefins are virtually inert to inorganic, making polyolefin fibers useful as battery separator; however, polyolefins, like most other polymers, do not resist degradation in ultraviolet light. Consequently, polyolefin tent fabric is stabilized so that it can tolerate long exposures to sunlight. We will probe into the cause of poor ultraviolet stability in polymers and discuss ways to stabilize fibers. 

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之前我也找翻譯社幫忙過!有做論文翻譯翻譯社是很多家沒錯!但可能還是要稍微挑一下!最好問一下是不是可以試譯!至少在投錢之前可以稍微知道一下翻譯的品質! 現在的翻譯很多!你隨便goole一下就可以找到好幾家!如: 柏克萊翻譯社、后冠翻譯社、艾思特科學翻譯社....。

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Textile and industrial fibers respond to the environment according to their chemical composition and microstructure. Since fibers are typically semi-crystalline, they are generally more stable to both chemical attack and temperature then are wholly amorphous linear polymers. Polymer fibers are very good; indeed, they are the material of choice in some applications, yet they perform poorly in other environment. For example, polyolefins are virtually inert to inorganic, making polyolefin fibers useful as battery separator; however, polyolefins, like most other polymers, do not resist degradation in ultraviolet light. Consequently, polyolefin tent fabric is stabilized so that it can tolerate long exposures to sunlight. We will probe into the cause of poor ultraviolet stability in polymers and discuss ways to stabilize fibers. 

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Effects of Salinity and the Extent of Water on Supercritical CO2-Induced Phlogopite Dissolution and Secondary Mineral Formation

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Mainstream Big Data is all about MapReduce, but when looking at real-time

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萬象翻譯社.名陽翻譯社 .后冠翻譯

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